
Confused about Medicare?

Allow us to remove your confusion! Simply call us about 3-4 months before you reach age 65, and allow us to ask you a few questions about your situation. Once we assess your particular situation, we will tell you exactly what you need to do in regard to Medicare, and by when you need to do it. Whether we advise you to take action immediately, or months—or even years—down the road, you will feel confident and relaxed about our recommendation for you. We will make certain that you are enrolled in Medicare at the time that is right for you—allowing you to avoid having to pay penalties for the rest of your life.
How are we different from other insurance agencies that sell Medicare products?

  • We know your time is valuable, so we gather information from you about your specific situation before we meet, so we can have a firm recommendation for you when we meet.
  • When we meet, we will present you with a Medicare supplement that is most affordable for you, and a drug plan that will allow you to spend the least amount out of your pocket for not only your drug plan, but also for your drug copays—all while allowing you to go to the pharmacy of your choice.
  • Here’s the biggest mistake that most people make when qualifying for Medicare: They enroll with the same insurance company for their Medicare supplement and their drug plan. We will show you why this is usually not only a wrong decision, but one that will needlessly cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars out of your pocket each and every year!
  • We will teach you how you can easily know—within 5-15 minutes a year—whether you should stay with your current drug plan, or easily switch to another one for the upcoming calendar year.
  • We only recommend Medicare supplement insurance companies that have a financial rating of A+ and that pays its claims within 5 days or less. And, what’s more, we tell you to call us—not the insurance company—when you have a question or a problem. We will usually be able to answer any question you have, but if we can’t, we will call the insurance company on your behalf. This will allow you to avoid the time and frustration of having to call the insurance company yourself, spend a lot of time on hold, and being transferred from one person to another, and having to wind up with a person who is impersonal or is hard to understand.
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